Rebba V., Romanato G., Weber G., Sartori L., Manzato E. (2005).

Una valutazione dei costi della disabilità nell’anziano a partire dallo Studio Pro.V.A (Progetto Veneto Anziani). Giornale di Gerontologia, Vol. 53, pp. 633-645.



Background: To evaluate the economic costs (both public and private) of disability of the elderly people, considering the sample of the Progetto Veneto Anziani (Pro.V.A.) study and to project these costs on elderly people of Veneto Region and Italy. Materials and Methods: We have created 14 “iso-need” classes according to increasing levels of disability measured through ADL and IADL scales, cognitive impairment assessment and mobility disability data obtained by interview. We hypothesized some assistance plans (to domiciliary, half-residential and resi- dential) with regard to the disability level. In the 1st hypothesis social-assistance services in all disability classes are given from specialized staff. In the 2nd hypothesis the services are given from family nurses (badanti) to old people belonging to the most disable classes. In the 3rd hypothesis for the most disable classes admission in residential structure (RSA) is considered. Then the cost evaluation was projected on the old people of Veneto Region and of Italy. Results: In the 2nd hypothesis the costs for the most disable classes of subjects decrease by 30-60% in comparison with the 1st hypothesis, in the 3rd hypothesis the costs increase owing to costs of admission in RSA. In the projection of the Veneto region the cost of 1st hypothesis is 4,685 million of euro/year, of the 2nd hypothesis 3,530 million of euro/year and in the 3rd hypothesis 3,706 million of euro/year. In the projection on Italy the hypothesis 1, 2 and 3 cost respectively 60,281, 45,412 e 47,686 million of euro/year. Conclusions: According to this model actually the regional and national capital for the disability allows the complete cover only for the assistance of most disable people. The cost of light disability and disability prevention, that is important for the long term economic relapse, would lie heavy only on families.