Polin V., Raitano M. (2009).

Dimensione e dinamica della povertà nell’Unione Europea dopo l’allargamento: un’analisi comparata delle determinanti dei movimenti delle famiglie. MPRA paper n. 25567-2009, Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, N° 25567.



The paper analyses the static and dynamic risk of poverty in the enlarged European Union. In the first part of the paper an overview of cross-sectional poverty rates in 25 European Member States (apart from Romania and Bulgaria) using several indexes is presented and assessed. In the second part, the dynamics of poverty is studied in a comparative fashion. Using longitudinal micro-level data from EU-SILC, we estimate the role of changes of several factors (e.g. employment status and hours worked, household structure, welfare cash benefits) in affecting the likelihood of falling into or leaving poverty. Our econometric analysis shows that employment status is an important factor affecting, in a significative way, transitions into and out of poverty in the European Union. Other life-course events examined and changes in welfare programs appear to been closely associated with poverty mobility, but for these factors significance and sign differ across countries.