On May 16th and 17th, CRIEP participated in the second plenary, hosted by ECSA (European Citizen Science Association) at the Natural History Museum in Berlin, of SOCIO-BEE (Wearables and droneS fOr CIty Socio-Environmental Observations and BEhavioral ChangE), an EU research project financed by the European Commission as part of Horizon 2020.
The plenary sessions have covered numerous topics critical to project implementation: from defining the narrative for each pilot to using innovative technologies to engage the population. The dialogue among the consortium partners and experts in various fields related to the project actions has made an essential contribution to defining what had been achieved so far, but more importantly what needs to be done in the months to follow.
During the second day, the group of UNIPD-CRIEP presented the progress and work plan for the upcoming months related to Work Package 7, whose actions it leads. The WP focuses on the assessment of the project socio-economic sustainability.