On the 4th June CRIEP will intervene at the meeting “Non lasciamola Bassa. Dal degrado al recupero, idee e progetti per un modello alternativo di sviluppo della Bassa padovana”.
The debate will take place at Centro Bachelet in Battaglia Terme on the 4th June 2018, at 21.00. Speakers: Francesco Vallerani (Ca’Foscari University of Venice) and Marina Bertolini (University of Padova, CRIEP). Francesco Jori will coordinate.
CRIEP response will deal with the Report on “Regeneration and reclassification of production areas. Institutions, incentives and assessment”, a preliminary study on this theme realized by the Center.
(On the same theme look at: Reclassification of production areas Conference: Professor Luciano Greco speech – only italian)