The article “Why and how the italian SMEs should be recapitalized after Covid-19?” by Prof. Luciano Greco, Director of CRIEP, Prof. Amedeo Pugliese, Valentina Catapano of CRIEP and Angelo Bonissoni, Partner of Studio CBA, was published in the quarterly magazine “Il Risparmio” of Acri – Associazione di Fondazioni e di Casse di Risparmio Spa.
The crisis triggered by the COVID-19 outbreak has caused a significant expansion of the bank debt of Italian SMEs, to some extent fostered by state guarantees. This intervention has made it possible to counter the economic impact of the pandemic, but on the medium-long term it may also hamper Italy’s economic recovery.
The paper proposes a systemic intervention that catches the opportunities that arise from an innovative management of the current economic situation.