On May 9-10-11, the first edition of ‘Duezerocinquezero’, a national forum on energy and sustainability, was held at the Centro Culturale Altinate – San Gaetano in Padua.
The initiative was aimed to promote the debate on energy transition, an ever-evolving topic of increasing interest not only for companies and institutions but also for the entire community.
During the three days, various themes were covered. In addition to energy transition, PNRR, renewable sources, sustainability, Public-Private Partnership, sustainable mobility, energy efficiency, and Digital Energy were also discussed.
In particular, on Wednesday, May 11 at 2:30 p.m., Professor Luciano Greco, director of CRIEP, took part in the workshop “Il Partenariato Pubblico Privato per l’efficienza energetica”, presenting a focus entitled, “Il PPP per i comuni italiani: opportunità nel settore energetico”. In addition to CRIEP, representatives from the Veneto Region and some of the most important multi-utilities and banking foundations in Veneto and Italy were also present at this workshop.
You can rewatch the meeting on the Youtube channel of ‘Duezerocinquezero’.