Green Logistics Expo: Logistica Urbana Innovativa
Il 5-6-7 ottobre 2022 si terrà, presso la Fiera di Padova, la seconda edizione di ‘Green Logistics Expo’, il salone internazionale della logistica sostenibile. Green Logistics Expo è il più…
Il 5-6-7 ottobre 2022 si terrà, presso la Fiera di Padova, la seconda edizione di ‘Green Logistics Expo’, il salone internazionale della logistica sostenibile. Green Logistics Expo è il più…
Dal 26 settembre al 2 ottobre 2022 si svolgerà Science4All – La festa della Scienza a Padova, manifestazione per aprire il mondo della ricerca alla cittadinanza tutta,…
Friday 23rd September 2022, at 15.30, is going to be held in Aula E of the multifunctional pole via Bassi 2 in Padua, the event…
On 28 June 2022, Valentina Catapano, Junior Research Fellow at the Department of Economics and Management, University of Padua, will present the work in progress…
On 9-10-11 June 2022, the 12th Economic Design Conference was held, hosted by the Department of Economics and Business Sciences at the University of Padua…
On May 25 from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. the WECAREMED project was presented at the “Advances in Economic Valuation of Ecosystem Services for Public Policy…
On May 16th and 17th, CRIEP participated in the second plenary, hosted by ECSA (European Citizen Science Association) at the Natural History Museum in Berlin,…
The article “Why and how the italian SMEs should be recapitalized after Covid-19?” by Prof. Luciano Greco, Director of CRIEP, Prof. Amedeo Pugliese, Valentina Catapano…
On May 9-10-11, the first edition of ‘Duezerocinquezero’, a national forum on energy and sustainability, was held at the Centro Culturale Altinate – San Gaetano…
WECAREMED project will be presented at the First MED-IAERE conference, to be held in Cagliari on April 23rd. UNIPD-CRIEP’s team will present a poster about…