May252023 The “First Report on the Liquidity of the Secondary Market of the Italian Government Bonds – Year 2022” is now available online. CRIEP25/05/2023
Ruzza, C., Capraro, G., Ortolan, S., Neunhaeuserer, D., Centanini, A., Celidoni, M., De Marchi, V., Vecchiato, M., Capizzi, A., Ermolao, A., Rebba, V. (2023) ‘Exercise is medicine’: un’iniziativa per la promozione della salute e la sostenibilità dei sistemi sanitari, Politiche Sanitarie, vol. 24(3) Martina CelidoniVincenzo Rebba08/05/2023
Apr192023 Presentation of the 1st Report on the liquidity of the secondary market for Italian government bonds CRIEP19/04/2023