I am currently Professor of Economics at the University of Padova.
Dosi C., Moretto M. (1999) L’impatto dell’ecolabelling sulle decisioni di investimento: un’applicazione della teoria delle opzioni reali. In Zanetti G., Le Decisioni di Investimento. Il Mulino.
Moretto M. (1999). Labour Participation in Different Firm Organizations. Available at SSRN 199893. Abstract: The main issue is the organization of firms when different…
Moretto M., Pastorello S. (1998). Entry-exit timing and profit sharing. Rivista internazionale di Scienze Sociali, Anno 106, No. 1, pp. 67-88. Abstract: We analyze…
Moretto M. (1998). Investimento. In Enciclopedia della Finanza. Garzanti, Milano.
Moretto M. (1998). Determinants of Partecipation in Accelerated Vehicle-Retirement Programs. In Giannis D. A., European Environmental Research, Selected Readings.
Dosi C., Moretto M. (1998). Auctioning Green Investment Grants as a Means of Accelerating Environmental Innovation. Revue d’Economie Industrielle, 83, pp. 99-110. Abstract: Besicles…
Dosi C., Moretto M. (1997). Public Policies and Incentives to Accelerate Irreversible Environmental Innovations. In Adger W.N., Pettenella D., Whitby M., Climate-change mitigation and European…
Moretto M., Valbonesi P. (1997). Foreign direct investment in transition economies: An option approach to sovereign risk. FEEM Note di Lavoro n. 51.97. Abstract:…
Moretto M., Rossini G. (1997). Endogenous allocation of the exit option between workers and shareholders. FEEM Note di Lavoro n. 76.97. Abstract: We deal…
Moretto M., Tamborini R. (1997). Climate change and event uncertainty in a dynamic model with overlapping generations. FEEM Note di Lavoro n. 4.97. Abstract:…