I am currently Professor of Economics at the University of Padua
Maggian V., Montinari N., Nicolò A. (2020). Do quotas help women to climb the career ladder? A laboratory experiment. European Economic Review, Volume 123, April 2020,103390.…
Giommoni T., Morelli M., Nicolò A. (2020). Corruption and Extremism. CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP14634. Available at SSRN. Abstract: When should we expect an opposition…
Banerjee P., Iversen V., Mitra S., Nicolò A., Sen K. (2020). Moral reputation and political selection in a decentralized democracy. Theory and evidence from India. WIDER…
Comino S., Mastrobuoni G., Nicolò A. (2020). Silence of the Innocents: Undocumented Immigrants’ Underreporting of Crime and their Victimization. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management,…
Furian L., Nicolò A., Di Bella C., Cardillo M., Cozzi E., Rigotti P. (2020). Kidney exchange strategies: new aspects and applications with a focus on…
Genie M. G., Nicolò A., Pasini G. (2020). The role of heterogeneity of patients’ preferences in kidney transplantation. Journal of Health Economics, Volume 72, 2020,…
Banerjee P., Iversen V., Mitra S., Nicolò A., Sen K. (2019). Politicians and their promises in an uncertain world: Evidence from a lab-in-the-field experiment in…
Nicolò A., Sen A., Yadav S. (2019) Matching with partners and projects. Journal of Economic Theory, Volume 184, 104942. Abstract: We propose a model…
Cornelio C., Furian L., Rossi F., Nicolò A. (2019). Using deceased-donor kidneys to initiate chains of living donor kidney paired donations: algorithm and experimentation. AIES ’19:…
Cornelio C., Furian L., Silvestre C., Rossi F., Rigotti P., Cozzi E., Neri F., Nicolò A. (2019). Deceased-donor-initiated chains: first report of a successful deliberate…