Ricapitalizzare le PMI
Lunedì 23 novembre alle 9.00 si terrà il webinar dal titolo “Ricapitalizzare le PMI: un ingrediente essenziale del Recovery plan italiano” organizzato dal CRIEP in collaborazione…
Lunedì 23 novembre alle 9.00 si terrà il webinar dal titolo “Ricapitalizzare le PMI: un ingrediente essenziale del Recovery plan italiano” organizzato dal CRIEP in collaborazione…
Maggian V., Montinari N., Nicolò A. (2020). Do quotas help women to climb the career ladder? A laboratory experiment. European Economic Review, Volume 123, April 2020,103390.…
Engel E., Fischer R., Galetovic A. (2020). Public-Private Partnerships: Some Lessons after 30 Years. Regulation, 43(3), pp. 30-35. Abstract: Public-private partnerships (PPPs, also known…
Cavalletti B., Di Fabio C., Lagomarsino E., Ramassa P. (2020). Ecosystem accounting for marine protected areas: A proposed framework. Ecological Economics, Volume 173, 106623. Abstract:…
Lagomarsino E. (2020). Estimating elasticities of substitution with nested CES production functions: Where do we stand?. Energy Economics, Volume 88, 104752. Abstract: Prompt by…
Lagomarsino E. Spiganti A. (2020). No gain in pain: psychological well-being, participation, and wages in the BHPS. The European Journal of Health Economics, Volume 21(9),…
Cavalletti B., Lagazio C., Lagomarsino E., Vandone D. (2020). Consumer Debt and Financial Fragility: Evidence from Italy. Journal of Consumer Policy, Volume 43(4), pp. 747-765.…
Lagomarsino E. (2020). A graphical approach to select the nested structure of a CES function. Economics Bulletin, Volume 40(4), pp. 2887-2893. Abstract: The existing…
Giommoni T., Morelli M., Nicolò A. (2020). Corruption and Extremism. CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP14634. Available at SSRN. Abstract: When should we expect an opposition…
Bertoli P., Grembi V., Hesse C. L., Castelló J. V. (2020). The effect of budget cuts on C-section rates and birth outcomes: Evidence from Spain. Social…