Incontro con l’autore: Adriana Castagnoli
Mercoledì 5 febbraio 2020, alle ore 17.30, presso la Sede della Direzione Regionale di Intesa Sanpaolo a Padova, in Via Trieste, 57/59 si terrà il…
Mercoledì 5 febbraio 2020, alle ore 17.30, presso la Sede della Direzione Regionale di Intesa Sanpaolo a Padova, in Via Trieste, 57/59 si terrà il…
Prete V., Zoli C. (2019). The political economy of educational policies and inequality of opportunity. Department of Economics, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. Abstract: We propose…
Gamba S., Magazzini L., Pertile P. (2019). R&D and market size: who benefits from orphan drug regulation?. Working Paper Series, Department of Economics, University of…
Buja A., Sartor G., Scioni, M., Girardi G., Vecchiato A., Bolzan M., Rebba V., Chiarion Sileni V., Palozzo A.C., Montesco M., Del Fiore P., Baldo…
Comino S., Mastrobuoni G., Nicolò A. (2020). Silence of the Innocents: Undocumented Immigrants’ Underreporting of Crime and their Victimization. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management,…
Furian L., Nicolò A., Di Bella C., Cardillo M., Cozzi E., Rigotti P. (2020). Kidney exchange strategies: new aspects and applications with a focus on…
Genie M. G., Nicolò A., Pasini G. (2020). The role of heterogeneity of patients’ preferences in kidney transplantation. Journal of Health Economics, Volume 72, 2020,…