D’Alpaos C., Bragolusi P. (2019).
La valutazione delle misure di riqualificazione energetica nell’edilizia residenziale pubblica: un approccio gerarchico. LaborEst, No. 19, 2019.
In this paper we provide a multiple criteria model, based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), to rank alternative packages of energy retrofit measures (ERMs). Following the AHP methodology, a hierarchy was created and a group of experts ranked all the elements of the hierarchy at each level. The prioritization of ERMs was set as the goal at the top of the hierarchy, three families of criteria (i.e., economic, environmental and social) and a set of sub-criteria were identified, whereas at the lower level of the hierarchy alternative packages of implementable ERMs are positioned. We found that Economic criteria play a major role in the achievement of the goal, in addition the Life Cycle Cost (LCC) of the building emerged as the most important sub-criterion. Thermal insulation of the building envelope resulted as the most important alternative: it contributes to minimization of management and maintenance costs and ensures thermal comfort throughout the useful life of the building. Specifically, the cost-effectiveness of this ERM may significantly contribute to reduce fuel poverty