Dipartimento di Economia, Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia
Professore Associato
Pasini, Zantomio F. (2013). Disability benefits receipt across the financial crisis. Active ageing and solidarity between generations in Europe, Berlino, De Gruyter, pp. 37-45. …
Zantomio F. (2013). Il supporto monetario agli anziani non autosufficienti: un’analisi empirica dei ritardi nell’accesso al programma Attendance Allowance nel Regno Unito. Analisi e Strumenti…
Rizzi D., Zantomio F. (2013). La Social Card: una valutazione di targeting. Analisi e Strumenti di Politica Sociale, Edizioni Ca’ Foscari – Digital Publishing, Venezia,…
Brugiavini A., Buia R. E., Pasini G., Zantomio F. (2013). Long-term care and reciprocity: does helping with grandchildren result in the receipt of more help…
Hancock R., Morciano M., Pudney S., Zantomio F. (2013). Do household surveys give a coherent view of disability benefit targeting? A multi-survey latent variable analysis…
Zantomio F. (2013). Older people’s participation in extra-cost disability benefits. Journal Of Health Economics, vol. 32, pp. 320-330. Abstract: The targeting of an UK…
Figari F., Paulus A., Sutherland H.,Tsakloglou P., Verbist G., Zantomio F. (2012). Taxing Home Ownership: Distributional Effects of Including Net Imputed Rent in Taxable Income.…
Francescon M., Sutherland H., Zantomio F. (2011). A comparison of earnings measures from longitudinal and cross-sectional surveys: evidence from the UK. Journal Of The Royal…
Mullan K., Sutherland H., Zantomio F. (2011). Accounting for Housing in Poverty Analysis. Social Policy And Society, vol. 10(4), pp. 471-482. Abstract: The treatment…
Mullan K., Sutherland H., Zantomio F. (2011). Accounting for housing in poverty analysis. Social Policy and Society, 10(4), 471-482. Abstract: The treatment of housing in the…