Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Università di Verona
Professore Ordinario
Zoli C. (2002). Inverse stochastic dominance, inequality measurement and Gini index. Journal of Economics, vol. Supplement 9, pp. 119-161. Abstract: We investigate the relationship…
Zoli C. (2000). Inverse sequential stochastic dominance: rank-dependent welfare, deprivation and poverty measurement. University of Nottingham, Discussion Papers No. 00/11 Abstract: We provide characterisations of sequential…
Zoli C. (1999). A generalized version of the inequality equivalence criterion: a surplus sharing characterization, complete and partial orderings. Logic, game theory and social choice.…
Zoli C. (1999). Intersecting generalized Lorenz curves and the Gini index. Social Choice and Welfare, vol.16, pp. 183-196. Abstract: As is well known, the…